Open Street Map

When a user feeds back that they can't find a location in the apps, it's possibly because it's not in the Open Street Map (OSM) data that we use to power the search functionality. You can add or improve the location information directly into Open Street Map, and we'll pull this automatically into Passenger's search index. We update the search index every day.

OSM is a collaborative project to create an editable map of the world, this is done by creating nodes (a single location) and ways (A set of points to build up a polygon).

For further information on OSM, see the Getting Involved guide and the Beginners' guide.

Editing OSM

  1. Go to
  2. Sign up  and Log In (eg: with Google account)
  3. Zoom in and/or search for an area
  4. Click Edit
    1. Follow the walk-through if it's your first time editing OSM
  5. Search for a specific location (ode) or street (way) you want to edit
    1. Once your map is centred over the right area, hover around the area to find the right node or way to edit (one that will get imported, please see Footnote 1.)
  6. Click on the location you want to edit, or click the Help button for more info
    1. Only a subset of nodes/ways are added to the search index, please see Footnote 1.
    2. Only a subset of tags within a node/way are used within the search index, please see Footnote 2.
  7. Save what you edit, and you're all done.

If you need any assistance or want our help then send a mail to we will be happy to double-check that the location you added has been pulled into your app or website correctly. 

Footnote 1

List of keys which when have an inclusive value are imported into the search index, when a key has an exclusive value it is not imported. This list can be expanded upon request, however smaller search indexes will provide more accurate results.

KeyInclusive valuesExclusive values
aerowayaerodrome, terminal 
amenity waste_basket
highwayprimary, secondary, tertiary, residential, pedestrian, service, trunk 


Example 1

This node will be imported because it has the key railway with the value station.

Example 2

This way will be included because it as the key amenity, without any matching exclusive value.

Example 3

This way would not be imported because it does not have any matching keys.

Footnote 2

List of tags which are used to match the user search query:

  • name:en, 
  • alt_name
  • int_name
  • loc_name
  • nat_name
  • official_name
  • old_name 
  • reg_name 
  • short_name

Example 1

Typing "Bournemouth University" in a website / app search box would match this way.

Example 2

Typing "Hurn Airport" in a website / app search box would match this way (Bournemouth Airport).