There are a number of reasons as to why a journey may not be fully or partially running. In these cases, you may wish to remove the journey from being displayed in your live departure boards on our websites and apps to avoid customer confusion.


To enable operators to cancel multiple whole or partial journeys faster, we have changed the Journey Cancellations workflow in Passenger Cloud from January 26th 2022.


The user interface now incorporates new page views and the use of multi-selection controls allowing the operator to:-

  • Cancel multiple complete lines, choosing whether this includes outbound and inbound.

  • Cancel more than one whole journey at a time.

  • Cancel partial journeys - certain stops or multiple stops within a single journey

  • Cancel partial journeys - certain stops or multiple stops within multiple journeys that share the same journey pattern.


Journey cancellations step-by-step guide

1. Create a new cancellation


2. Select a service and click ‘Find Journeys’

3. You will be taken to a new page view.

All journeys (inbound and outbound) will be displayed on a single page. On this page you can use search and use ordering controls;

  • Use the search bar to narrow your search e.g. outbound or 8:25 or by start stop and end stop.


  • Use table headers to sort your search results e.g. by Direction, start time, start stop and end stop.


You then have 3 options:


3a. Select and cancel all journeys at once by checking ‘Select all journeys’ and then clicking ‘Cancel the whole journey’

These journeys will then be removed from departure boards and journey plans.

3b. Choose a selection of whole journeys you want to cancel from the returned results then click ‘Cancel the whole journey’


These journeys will then be removed from departure boards and journey plans.

3c. Create partial journey cancellation. Select the services you want to partially cancel, then click ‘Cancel part of the journey’



Then, Select the stops to cancel within the journey patterns, and click ‘Cancel the selected part of the journeys’

These journeys will then be removed from departure boards only. When only part of a journey has been cancelled, journey plans are not updated to exclude these journeys.

Changing Datasets

In most cases, even after changing a dataset, your cancelled journeys will continue to be cancelled.

The following conditions are required for this to happen:

  • The new dataset contains journey IDs that have not changed from the journey IDs used in the dataset that was 'current' on the date the cancellation was made.
  • The times of the stop visits for those journeys have not changed.

If either of these are no longer true, you will need to create a new cancellation to ensure the journey does not appear on departure boards.